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Всемирная ферроэквинология по-русски our local time is 15:11  

Дизель-поезд V-628-019+09, VT-628-018+008, VT-628-013+003 { Diesel motor unit V-628-019+09 & VT-628-018+008 & VT-628-013+003 }, Варшава-Гданьская { Warszawa Gdańska }


Дизель-поезд V-628-019+09, VT-628-018+008, VT-628-013+003 { Diesel motor unit V-628-019+09 & VT-628-018+008 & VT-628-013+003 }, Варшава-Гданьская { Warszawa Gdańska }, Poland
Author: Tomasz Sijka | Picture taken: 18.XI.2006, published 23.XI.2006.
: 22
Comments (MSK):
    1. This trip called "Train for Rospuda" was organised by ecologists organisations for bringing activists to Augustow where the bebate with people and the demonstrations against building city bypass via saved area of Rospuda Valley were. More: [] -- Tomasz Sijka , 03:00
    1. Shouldn't because there are not electrification between Sokolka and Augustow -- Author (Сааренко Т., unverified) , 16:27
    2. It is wrong way of thinking because this action was not AGAINST buliding bypass at all, but FOR building it in an alternative way which is more friendly for enviroment. Alternative project was created almost 10 years ago but the autorithies of Augustow didn't consider and just ignored it -- Author (Чигерия Ч., unverified) , 20:50
    1. Another side of bypass story is that now several thousand trucks every day go through center of Augustow to and from Lithuania. The residents of Augustow protest *for* building the bypass sooner, because death rate at road incidents has skyrocketed there. I guess we can expect train from Augustow to Warzawa with their own trip P.S. shouldn't ecologist organisations travel on EMU, not a diesel? ;) -- L. (Оаленов К., unverified) , 05:54

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