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  • The total number of pictures in the Gallery: 59377 (48329 competing and 11048 not competing).
  • The total number of pictures in the queue: 14 + 0 (0 days).
  • Total voters today: 4.

kuri koer: My Picture Gallery 128+ {}Login
kuri koer About Me:
Глеб Капустин, шовинистический инсинуатор
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Poland (192 pictures), Germany/Lower Saxony (150 pictures), Germany/Saxony-Anhalt (97 pictures), Belgium (88 pictures), Finland (83 pictures), Austria (45 pictures), Germany/Thuringia (44 pictures), Saudi Arabia (42 pictures), USA/Texas (32 pictures), Czech Republic (31 pictures), Italy (31 pictures), Germany/Baden-Wurttemberg (27 pictures), Spain (20 pictures), Lebanon (17 pictures), France (16 pictures), Germany/Berlin (16 pictures), Sweden (16 pictures), Slovakia (9 pictures), Germany/North Rhine-Westphalia (7 pictures), Germany/Bremen (6 pictures), Turkey (6 pictures), Switzerland (5 pictures), Netherlands (4 pictures), Norway (4 pictures), Germany/Hesse (4 pictures), Germany/Brandenburg (4 pictures), Germany/Saxony (3 pictures), Germany/Bavaria (3 pictures), Germany/Hamburg (2 pictures), Mexico (1 pictures), Holy See (Vatican) (1 pictures)
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[ 1-7 ]

Pictures per page: [ 44 ][ 88 ][ 132 ][ 176 ]

Электровоз Rc6-1373 и электропоезд X12-3221, ст. Упсала, г. Упсала, Упланд, Sweden, 21.VI.2007, kuri koer, publ. 11.I.2011
[More X12...] [More X12-3221...]
Тепловоз Sm42-735, ст. Сувалки, Подляское воеводство, Poland, 14.VI.2009, kuri koer, publ. 19.VI.2009
[More Sm42...] [More Sm42-735...]
Тепловозы ES44DC-7435 и ES44DC-7302, Тексас-Сити, USA/Texas, 26.XI.2009, kuri koer, publ. 24.XII.2009
[More ES44DC...] [More ES44DC-7302...]
Тепловоз 218.473-7, ст. Ганновер (Hannover Hbf), Germany/Lower Saxony, 5.VI.2010, kuri koer, publ. 22.VI.2010
[More 218...] [More 218.473...]
: 38 : 5 : 30 : 29 : 7 : 19
Пассажирские вагоны серии 80-73 поезда Вена - Братислава, ст. Вена-Главная (Wien Hbf), Austria, 17.XII.2017, kuri koer, publ. 6.I.2018
[More 80...] [More 80-73...]
Интерьер пассажирского вагона серии 80-73 поезда Вена - Братислава, ст. Вена-Главная (Wien Hbf), Austria, 17.XII.2017, kuri koer, publ. 6.I.2018
[More 80...] [More 80-73...]
Тепловоз D753.732 на ст. Верона-Порта-Весково, Венето, Italy, 13.III.2018, kuri koer, publ. 29.III.2018 
: 25 : 10 : 25 : 1 : 21 : 7  

[ 1-7 ]

Pictures per page: [ 44 ][ 88 ][ 132 ][ 176 ]

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